National Guideline to Manage Complaints, Compliments and Suggestions in the Health Sector of South Africa - 2022

National Guideline to Manage Complaints, Compliments and Suggestions in the Health Sector of South Africa - 2022

The purpose of the National Guideline to Manage Complaints, Compliments and Suggestions is to provide direction to the health sector of South Africa regarding the management of complaints, compliments, and suggestions by ensuring that standards and measures as set out by the Norms and Standards Regulations applicable to different categories of health establishments are adhered to. This Guideline gives direction to ensure that the right of patients and/or their families/support persons to complain is upheld. This is achieved by setting out processes to ensure that patients/families and support persons are informed on how to lodge a complaint or record a compliment or suggestion and what to subsequently expect. Furthermore, it guides a process whereby valuable information is gathered from which the health system could learn and to which it can positively respond by bringing about the required change to improve quality.

Patient experience of care
National Department of Health